Karen is the essence of creative. A lawyer by background, she spent years in the energy corporate ring and left a number of years back to discover and explore beauty and help others find theirs. (I know, sounds a little familiar?!)
Her blog is a hit and Karen now spends her time writing, blogging, holding retreats, and speaking. Karen's book, The Beauty of Different, allows readers to be who they are...uncommonly beautiful. Buy the book!
Yes, a love list. As you know I'm not a fan of lists. I have to-don't lists and for-me lists but now I have a love list.
It's rather simple. A Love List is simply a list of things you love to do (and why). Here's a snip from mine.
Sadly we live and work in a world that's very disengaged. On average only 30% of the people working together are satisfied with the work they do. Perhaps this rings true with you?
We all have good and bad days. On the days I need a reminder, I go back to the three pages in my journal and remind myself of all the things I love to do. It's amazing how reviewing these can shift your mindset.
My list has 34 things and it keeps growing. I am always trying to find new things to love!
It'd be great to hear you share some. Don't have a list? Start one!