In May I shared the 5 Signs of a Bad Leader and took that message to LinkedIn Pulse. Wow, what a response! It took me several days to get through my email and the post went viral with people across 23 countries writing me about their bad bosses. Indeed we have a leadership problem in this world so it was great to feel validated I wasn't the only one seeing some common threads. Something came to me through that process, many of you have issues with your colleagues too. Dysfunction exists at all levels, and especially amongst peers. So in honor of all of you, here are my 6-7 signs of a bad colleague.
Ah yes, the bouncer is someone who is only in role long enough
This is the person who thinks so big …they have great ideas but in reality getting those ideas on the ground where they can make a difference just never seems to happen. We need big thinkers but we need them to connect with the real world. Be the bridge between the sky and the ground for them and help them integrate their value into the team.
Coat tailors ride on the success of others and cannot create their own. They follow, name drop, and bring very little to the table. The good news is a coat tailor gets found out when he/she has to do to a real job like the rest of us. Sometimes they swim and often times they sink. Everyone’s gotta hit rock bottom at some point, right?
I just love it when I get asked to put together a “straw man” for someone. These folks can't create a thing but will easily take your work and make his/her own. Oh sure this is flattery but what' worse is when they don't like something, these people are quick to take the red pen out and make critiques. Seriously, the world needs more artists and actors than we need unoriginal critics. Encourage the straw man/woman to bring a few ideas of their own, instead of taking yours. After all, this is about inspiring collaborative innovation right?
This colleague can get away with anything and everything. He/she can break the rules because they are above them. These people are the ones who take advantage of the company AMEX and blur the lines on relationships. However this indulgent attitude and the reckless associated behaviors eventually shine a light so bright that they won’t want the spotlight.
Have a little patience and pace this game. It is one, so stop kidding yourself if you think it isn’t. Play it but go slow and let things unfold. You don’t need to do anything. People often do plenty to themselves! Just remember...
I didn’t think so, so get back to work!
Got some duds you want to tell me about? My mailbox is clean again, but something tells me that's soon to change.