A fleeting grain of sand on the beach?
A snowflake atop a large mountain?
A quiet voice who competes to be heard?
A small fish in a big scary pond?
Yes, we live in what feels to be a large, hectic, always-on, interconnected world...a world that spins, changes constantly can be unforgiving, and is sometimes completely unfair.
It's okay to feel lost and helpless, but never forget...
One note can create a song.
One tree can rebuild a forest after a massive fire.
One donation can change a life.
One helping heart can touch a soul
One laugh can create a lifetime of friendship.
One idea can fuel a movement.
One vote can change an outcome.
One choice can carve a different path.
One light can provide clarity.
One way to see it differently sometimes is the better answer.
The power of one is the power to do something.
This post is a part of the Alphabet/ABC Series.