
Losing Big to Win

Written by Katie Mehnert | Dec 30, 2013 2:30:47 PM


Congratulations!  If you are reading this, you survived Christmas.  You're either back at work, packing up Christmas decorations, or perhaps thinking about what you want to change or do differently in 2014.

Change is hard.  Really hard.  It's not often easily sustained.  But change, if done right can be a powerful way to transform your work and life.

There was a time when I weighed nearly 275 pounds.  My tumultuous teenaged years led me to eat my way into an unhealthy morbidly obese young adult life.   Oh I had all kinds of problems: physical, emotional and social.  I dated the wrong men, had the wrong friends, and made repeated poor choices.  I was a walking insurance case with sleep apnea and high blood pressure.  It was so bad I had convinced myself I was happy.  But, I wasn't, and deep down inside I wanted a different life...and deserved a better one after years of losing myself.

On December 30, 2004, 9 years ago today, I decided it was time to change.

I was tired of being overweight...tired of being a doormat...tired of trying to "fit" in social circles (and my clothes)!  At some point I just got tired of being tired!  I sat down and carved out a plan to regain control of my life. I wanted to lose the weight, eat clean, and get fit.  I wanted to surround myself with the right people and tools to help support me on my journey.  And, I wanted to sustain it.

How did it go?  With 150 pounds gone, weight loss surgery, plastic surgery, a wedding, pregnancy, baby weight gain, baby weight loss, more plastic surgery,  4 marathons, blood, sweat, tears, a whole lot of discipline (and falling off the bandwagon)...

I stand tall, winning this war against my weight. 

What did I learn?

1.  Not everyone will embrace your change.  That's okay.  You don't need them to understand your journey.  It isn't for them.  When I began to lose massive amounts of weight, my former girlfriends (all whom were overweight) wanted nothing to do with me.  I was a "lofty snob".  What a blessing in disguise!   That being said ...

2. The five people you surround yourself with are the most important.  Choose carefully.  I had to realign my standards for relationships. I retrained myself to seek out people who raised me up, supported me, and believed in themselves.

3.  Sometimes you have to lose big to win.  Unfortunately, sometimes it takes losing yourself, a job, or a relationship to shake you into change.  I reset my entire life:  my health, career and all of my relationships.  I learned who I could count on and who needed to go.

4.  You either give up, give in or give it you all.  I went for the gold and I don't have a single regret.  Sure, I have had setbacks... but I am winning.

Have you ever lost big to win?   What changes are you thinking about making for 2014?