Are you a multi-tasker? If you are a parent or busy professional, you probably consider yourself one. People think I'm THE super-duper multi-tasking wife, momma, and runner. Oh I do all of those things...I really do. Just not all at once.
The fact is, multi-tasking is a delusion. Earl Miller, a Picower professor of neuroscience at MIT, says that for the most part, we simply can't focus on more than one thing at a time. I believe it.
And, efficiency isn't the answer either. I am notorious for trying to carry everything from my car to the house when I unpack groceries or packages from a day of shopping. In my attempt at an efficient life, I rationalize the need to carry as many things as I can. What ends up happening is I become less efficient, often breaking something or causing myself additional steps in the process.
Have you ever gotten home and not remembered driving there? Scary huh? Highway hypnosis is a dangerous condition usually caused by fatigue. Fatigue stems from doing too much without the proper pause, rest and pace.
How many people do you notice drive, eat and use a cell phone (and God forbid, text)? Don't you think if we were in fact good at multi-tasking that we could drive and text with no problems?
Simple Things To Begin Doing Today
1. Stop believing in the myth of multi-tasking and efficiency.
2. Learn to say No. The Power of No will change your life.
3. The next time you tell or your think to yourself you are a super hero, stop and pace yourself.
One thing at a time! It's best to get it right.