
Finish Line Fridays: Touchdown!

Written by Katie Mehnert | Nov 8, 2013 1:52:40 PM


Nothing can explain the feeling of making a touchdown, when you've never got one before.

Watch this amazing video of Keith and his team.  Their empathy, compassion, and love for each other shows the power of what this world can achieve if we work together, love each other and score wins together.  When we pull each other up, we all benefit.  When I see things like this is makes me hopeful for our kids future.

What are you doing today to build a team, score touchdowns, and win together?  How are you teaching your children to practice empathy, compassion and love?

Do more.  The world needs more of that in it!

Click here to watch the video or below.

[youtube id="0Ejh_hb15Fc" width="600" height="350"]