
A Simple Kiss

Written by Katie Mehnert | May 19, 2012 3:48:00 PM

While a KISS is a mark of affection, it is also the adage of simplicity.  "Keep it simple, stupid!"  

Ken Segall, former Apple marketing mongul released Insanely Simple.  This book included his insights into the transformation of a company from the ashes.  It's brilliant founder was the father of simplicity: Steve Jobs.

This great guide helps individuals and organizations to drive change during the age of complexity.  It outlines 10 behaviors that drive you to "Think Differently".  Simply enough, it was modeled after the campaign that was the heart of Apple's culture that led it to become the world's most loved company after several years of misfortunes.

As I shift into my new role at BP, a company really no different than Apple in the late 90s seeking to emerge from failure, I am humbled at how hard simple really is.  I'm more confident and mindful how brilliant minds can come together to drive great outcomes using KISS as it's core.

Hard shouldn't stop you...  Embrace KISS  with a  KISS!